Algorithm Manipulation
Algorithm manipulation and organic reach restriction have become pervasive in mainstream social networks. This practice has caused outrage among content creators for silencing voices, shattering income and transforming user experiences into psychological experiments. Entire industries and small businesses have been impacted, and livelihoods have disappeared overnight with no regard for the immense contribution and energy these users invested to build their followings. Facebook engagement for brands and publishers fell 20% in 2019 alone, bringing organic reach down as low as 2%.
Depending on the acceptability of certain content, Facebook Pages have seen their ranking and discoverability significantly impacted. Unaccountable forces are at work behind the scenes dictating policy and technology decisions with regards to content reach and whether or not certain content may be monetized.
Facebook just recently began experimenting with new types of feeds in certain countries, where all content posted by Pages goes into a separate feed. The results were staggering, with some brands reporting a 67% reduction in organic reach and a 50% reduction in engagement. A system has been created where people and brands are no longer able to reach even their own friends and followers.
Algorithms are not inherently negative. There are many strong arguments for providing users with supplementary options for alternative newsfeeds and tailored search results based on past behavior and tendencies. The problem arises when these decisions are made without the consent of the user.
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